Real-life examples
Get immediate access and the ability to send digital check payments to the MPX Network of over 161,000 enrolled providers who have opted to receive payments.
Providers receive and access digital check payments and EOPs simultaneously, reducing their need for support when locating payments.
Providers receive payments immediately while you avoid costs associated with printing and mailing checks as well as concerns around mail delivery.
MPX eCheck payments reconcile the same way as paper checks allowing payers to maintain current processes and banking relationships.
Quick implementation using current check or ANSI 835 files to digitally issue checks and EOPs. MPX can be deployed and in production in under 30 days.
Improved cash flow management, reduced payment wait time and choices in how funds are deposited are why 90% of providers saying they’re very satisfied with the MPX experience.
To see MPX in action - and to see how It will benefit you - contact one of our payment specialists today.
Services Suite
AITE Study Finding
The speed of settlement is the most important factor for providers when deciding to accept a new payment type, followed by minimal disruptions to existing processes and data, and receiving payment and remittance information together.
Encryption and security of data while in transit and at rest emerges at the most compelling piece of payment functionality, followed by attaching the explanation of benefits (EOB) to payment views.
"U.S. Medical Claims Payments: A Second Wave of Digital Payments"